Baseball Mental Game Articles

What is the Best Source of Motivation? 

What is the Best Source of Motivation?

Where Does Your Motivation Come From? What is the most effective and sustaining form of motivation? Many sources of motivation provide a temporary boost. External sources of motivation such as money, trophies, media attention, and accolades can incentivize your efforts, but what happens when those sources dry up? When motivated … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Persistence and Patience Can Turn Around a Baseball Season 

Patience in Baseball

Persistence Vs. Patience What’s the difference between patience and persistence? Patience implies waiting for something to happen, while persistence is the ability to make something happen. Since results never happen overnight, patience is necessary. If you want to raise your batting average by 25 points, of course, you need to … Read Sport Psychology Tip

How Ball Players Become Resilient Through Adversity

How Ball Players Become Resilient Through Adversity

Does Adversity Motivate You? Most ball players mentally shut down when faced with adversity. These players become so caught up in “negative” events that they allow the challenging circumstances to ruin their season. Why do some players seem unaffected when they hit hard times, while others are unnerved? The difference … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Be the Driver of Your Confidence

Be the Driver of Your Confidence

Living Up to Your Potential Knowing you have the skills and have been highly productive in the past yet falling well short of your capabilities has caused many players to quit playing sports altogether. Being patient and persistent is difficult when you consistently fall short of your potential. A coach … Read Sport Psychology Tip