Baseball Mental Game Articles

How to Simplify Pitching to Improve Performance

How to Develop a Comeback Mindset 

Refocusing After Bad Pitches Are you able to re-focus after a bad pitch, a bad inning or a bad game? Do you ruminate about a bad pitch and slowly spiral out of control? Over-thinking is the enemy of any pitcher. Analyzing your performance while playing is counter-productive. Over-thinking interferes with … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Krieg’s Hitting Success: The Confidence Factor

How to Develop a Ball Player Championship Mindset 

Building Confidence To Improve Your Hitting Do you have difficulty maintaining your confidence during the ups and downs of good and poor hitting? When you have a few bad at-bats, does your confidence seem to disappear? It may seem like a catch-22… confidence is essential for good hitting and good … Read Sport Psychology Tip

Focusing vs. Over-Thinking at Bat

Mental Toughness is a Baseball Skill

Focusing in The Batter’s Box What’s the difference between focusing and over-thinking in the batter’s box? Focusing is being engrossed in a task and zeroing in on certain cues to maximize performance. Focusing is a state of total awareness while being completely absorbed in the activity. Over-thinking is the process … Read Sport Psychology Tip