Mental Keys to an At-Bat Routine
What’s the mindset you need to have to have your best at bat? The ability to swing your bat naturally and instinctively is critical to great hitting.
The purpose of batting practice is to trust your swing when it’s time to play the game. Many ball players focus too much on technique or controlling the path of the bat instead of reacting to the ball.
When you focus too much on how to make a good swing, you guide the bat and consciously try to force a hit. Simplifying your batting routine will go a long way for improving your hitting…
Mental Game Keys of a Positive At-Bat Routine:
1. Regroup and Get Control: Outside of the box, release the last pitch, it’s over, let it go. Take a slow, deep breath as you prepare to step into the batter’s box. When you step into the box, this says your mind is clear and you are focused on the next pitch.
2. Have a Plan: Get signal from coach. Make sure you have a plan and commit to it before your step in such as “see the ball and react.” Do not proceed unless you are committed to a plan.
3. See Your Plan: Rehearse your plan. You have a few options here. See it, “feel” it, hear the ball contacting the bat, or use a combination of all! Positive image here is necessary to feel confident and commit to plan.
4. Focus on the Ball: Narrow your focus on the release point of pitcher as you settle into the box. Here, you are setting the stage to see it and react.
5. React, Just do it: React to the ball freely. What’s important is to be free, natural, and loose. Don’t “guide” the swing—trust your mechanics. You may choose a cue word or phrase to help you “let it go,” such as “hit it hard.”
Related Video: Improve Batting With Baseball Psychology

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Do you (or your athletes) lack full confidence in your skills when you step on the field as if your game disappears at game time?
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Mental Coaching for Ball Players
Learn secrets to improving your mental game of baseball or softball! Develop the self-confidence of a champion quickly with softball or baseball mental training. Get expert mental coaching so you can play to your potential in baseball or softball!
Ask yourself these questions about your mental game:
- Do you choke in games because of tension or worry?
- Do you lose confidence when you go 0-4 at the plate?
- Are you trying too hard to play perfectly and control your performance?
- Are you worried about what your coach or teammates think?
- Are you inconsistent with your performance in games?